Package: lfstat 0.9.10

lfstat: Calculation of Low Flow Statistics for Daily Stream Flow Data

The "Manual on Low-flow Estimation and Prediction", published by the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), gives a comprehensive summary on how to analyse stream flow data focusing on low-flows. This packages provides functions to compute the described statistics and produces plots similar to the ones in the manual.

Authors:Daniel Koffler, Tobias Gauster and Gregor Laaha

lfstat.pdf |lfstat.html
lfstat/json (API)

# Install 'lfstat' in R:
install.packages('lfstat', repos = c('', ''))

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  • ng - Daily stream flow data used for low flow analysis
  • ngaruroro - Daily stream flow data used for low flow analysis
  • ray - Daily stream flow data used for low flow analysis


58 exports 11 stars 1.54 score 50 dependencies 135 scripts 392 downloads

Last updated 2 years agofrom:bacf1bc304. Checks:OK: 1 ERROR: 6. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesOKAug 30 2024
R-4.5-winERRORAug 30 2024
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R-4.3-winERRORAug 30 2024
R-4.3-macERRORAug 30 2024



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Calculation of Low Flow Statistics for Daily Stream Flow Datalfstat-package lfstat
Apply an aggregation function seasonally.apply.seasonal
Coerce to class ''lfobj''as.lfobj as.lfobj.xts as.lfobj.zoo is.lfobj
Convert Object To Class ''xts''as.xts.lfobj
Calculate the base flow of a riverbaseflow
Base Flow IndexBFI
Base Flow Plotbfplot
Checks if a Distribution is suitedcheck_distribution
Create an low flow object for further Low Flow Analysiscreatelfobj createlfobj.default createlfobj.lfobj createlfobj.ts
Double Mass Curvedmcurve
Estimate the return period for given quantilesev_return_period
Fit an extreme value distribution to observationsevfit
Estimating populations quantiles of extreme valuesevquantile
Flow Duration Curvefdc
Interpolation NA values in a vectorfill_na
Identifying Low Flow Periodsfind_droughts
Set and retrieve unit of the dischargeflowunit flowunit.lfobj flowunit.xts flowunit<- flowunit<-.lfobj flowunit<-.xts
Gringorten Plotting Positionsgringorten
Extract or guess the Start of a Hydrological Yearhyear_start hyear_start.xts hyear_start<- hyear_start<-.lfobj hyear_start<-.xts
Low flow object check for missing values.lfnacheck
Interpolate missing valueslfnainterpolate
Simple Moving Averagema
Mean Annual MinimumMAM
Mean flowmeanflow
Report for several stationsmultistationsreport
Daily stream flow data used for low flow analysisng ngaruroro ray
Plot time series of deficitsplot.deficit
Pooling Procedures of Low Flow Eventspooling pool_ic pool_it pool_ma pool_sp
Qxx, Q95, Q90, Q70Q70 Q90 Q95 Qxx
Reads data sheetsreadlfdata
Recession Constantrecession
Recession diagnostic plotrecessionplot
Reversed functions for several Extreme Value Distributionscdf_ev pel_ev qua_ev reversing
Regional Frequency Analysisrfa
Regional Frequency Analysisrfaplot
Highlight quantiles/return periodsrpline
Seasonal Bar Chartsbplot
Seasonality Indexseasindex
Attribute dates to seasonsseason
Seasonality Ratioseasratio
Bar chart of recession lengthseglenplot
Define the unit to use in low flow plotssetlfunit
Streamflow Deficitstreamdef
Streamflow Deficit Plotstreamdefplot
Object Summariessummary.deficit
Draw Paths to Points perpendicular to Coordinate Axistrace_value
Calculate Low-Flow Quantiles for given Return Periodstyears
Calculate Low-Flow Quantiles for given Return PeriodstyearsS
Create varying thresholdsvary_threshold
Compute the water yearwater_year